“Good manners are appreciated as much as bad manners are abhorred.” – Bryant H. McGill
The essential manners every kid need to have are:
- Being polite
- Being adjustable to others needs
- Respecting others feelings
- Respect to elders
- Being kind to animals and nature
- Covering Mouth When Coughing or Sneezing
- Making Eye Contact
- Listening
- Eating with others
Being polite isn’t desirable but also likeable. Politeness is a habit that stays long with us and ensures that our near and dear ones love and like us since no one wants to get close to a harsh and an ill speaking person. To make friends and acquaintances one has to be polite and soft spoken. To inculcate this habit in the child we need to practice this in home and in front of the child for child imitate what they see and this behaviour stays long with them.
Often we have resources that need sharing between siblings and friends but some children are unable to share it with the others since they haven’t been taught the concept of sharing their things with others. The pressure to share leads the child to become restless and angry over age since sharing means giving the thing away to some one. Develop this habit early by deliberately ensuring that the toys you have brought for your child are shared by him with his friends and cousins.
Being empathetic is difficult to grasp later in the life especially in today’s world when we are used to self gratification and materialism. Seeing a situation from somebody else’s point of view develops a win win situation for both the individuals and such an individual can emerge victorious in difficult situations where people often take stands. Develop this process by asking your child how he/she would feel if someone did the same thing to them as done by him to them.
Respect to elders has to be developed in the child and most children learn this when they see this kind of an environment in their homes and family members. There is no other way to make the child learn this mannerism. It is an important part of our culture and in doing so we gain acceptability in the society as adults. Be sure that such an environment exists in your home and then teach the child about whom to and how to give respect.
The concept of nature cannot be overemphasized in today’s world. Children being tomorrow’s adult and inheritors of the globe need to be made aware of respecting nature and its beings otherwise we cannot blame them for over exploitation of natural resources and pollution of the natural elements. Teach this manner in your child by leading him/her into the greenery and as much exposure to wild animals as possible.
In the era of Covid the importance of covering one’s mouth when sneezing has become all the more important. If everyone does this then the spread of the disease can be greatly prevented and three will be a more healthy world to live in. Develop this habit early in you child by insisting that he covers his mouth whenever he sneezes, whether indoor or outdoors.
Making eye contact is an important part of communication and body language. Shying away from making eye contact indicates less self confidence and nervousness in the speaker. A firm gaze on the other hand indicates firmness in thought and a face off approach which is required at times in the society. In uncomfortable situations a firm eye contact can make all the difference between win and loss. Develop this in the child by making him practice it with his peer group and with yourself.
It is often that we are very hungry but the other family members are taking their time in coming to the dinning table. Should we wait. Yes, if we are well mannered. Teach this thing early to your child by making him wait for the other family members to join the table and as it said “ The family that eats together, stays together”.